

With Embroidery i², I am amazed at how easily all my vector art converts to stitches. As a graphic designer, I believe Embroidery i² is essential for artists transitioning from art to embroidery. I always work in the familiar Adobe environment- and I have all the control and flexibility to create beautiful embroidery designs

Joe Coppola
U-neak Designs

Our digitizer has indicated that it is the best digitizing software that she has used thus far in her career! She has used other brands of Embroidery software before and finds Embroidery i² the best. Being a graphic designer by trade, the ability to design or manipulate designs in a familiar program such as Illustrator CS4 is a definite plus. After using it for a while, she now has a solid grasp on the techniques, and is developing her own shortcuts to get the job done even more efficiently.

Thank you so much,

Jamie Abraham
Temiskaming Printing Company Ltd.

The wait is over! We are pleased to announce the launch of Embroidery i� plug in for Adobe Illustrator in the USA. Click here to learn more